Jest.fn () value must be mock function or spy
I have a function in a module called a button action that is called when the user clicks the back button. I want to test the backButtonActions method directly, but you need to mock the leaveApp and displayById methods inside the backButtonActions that are called.
Here is my file method button-actions.js .
export function backButtonActions( label, page ){ //, page
console.log("LABEL = ", label, " page = ", page);
switch( label ){
case 'step1':
case 'step2':
I'm new to testing, so I might be missing something very simple. Below is my test.js file
window.$ = require('jquery');
import {backButtonActions} from '../button-actions';
describe('Button Actions', () => {
const page = {}
beforeEach(() => {
page.leaveApp = jest.fn(() => "leave");
page.displayById = jest.fn(() => "Display");
document.body.innerHTML =
'<div>' +
' <button class="btn-back" />' +
$('.btn-back').click((event, label) =>{
backButtonActions( label, page );
it('backButtonActions requires a string of either "step1" or "step2"', () => {
$('.btn-back').trigger('click', 'step1');
expect(backButtonActions).toBeCalledWith("step1" || "step2");
When I run the above test, I get the following error.
● Button Actions> backButtonActions requires the line either "Step 1" or "Step 2"
expect(jest.fn())[.not].toBeCalled() jest.fn() value must be a mock function or spy. Received: function: [Function backButtonActions] at Object.<anonymous> (test/js/spec/create/button-actions.test.js:64:50)
Is there something else I have to run to get this to work?
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You need to keep track of the function backButtonActions
either with the jasmine method spyOn
or with the Jest methodjest.spyOn
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