Ngx-datatable multiple columns from model
I'm looking for a way to add columns to ngx-datatable "dynamically" but I can't find a way. What I am trying to do is some kind of calendar. For simplicity's sake, let's say I have some objects that I want to show in a table, for example:
rows: [
{ name: Joe, availableDays: [ { date:'01-01-2017', foo: true }, { date:'03-01-2017', foo: true }]}
{ name: Jack, availableDays: [ { date:'01-04-2017', foo: true }]}
Now I would like to see the following columns and values:
Name; 01-01-2017; 02-01-2017; 03-01-2017; 04-01-2017
Joe; true; false; true; false
Jack; false; false; false; true
Ignore 'Foo'. I just added it to show that I am looking for something to handle objects. I would like to use it like in this example:
The syntax is like this:
<ngx-datatable-column name="Name">
<ng-template ngx-datatable-cell-template let-value="value" let-row="row">
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I wanted to answer this question even though it was posted over a year ago because I think it will help others who are trying to achieve the same. I am using Angular6 with Typescript, but you can still apply the solution for your needs.
First, I added a declaration resultColumns: any[] = [];
to my class. From the HTML side, I added this bit:
<ngx-datatable class='material'
<ngx-datatable-column *ngFor="let col of resultColumns; let i = index" [name]="" [flexGrow]="col.flexGrow">
<ng-template ngx-datatable-header-template>
{{ }}
<ng-template let-value="value" ngx-datatable-cell-template>
{{ value }}
In my ngOnInit, I call a function I created with a name generateColumns()
that will be responsible for populating the object resultColumns
generateColumns(rows) {
this.rows.forEach((item) => {
flexGrow: 1.0,
minWidth: 100
// Pushes the name column to the front of the column list
name: 'Name',
flexGrow: 1.0,
minWidth: 100
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