How to find the maximum subgraph of a bipartite graph with valence constraint?
I have a bipartite graph. I will refer to the red nodes and black nodes of the respective disjoint sets.
I would like to know how to find a related induced subgraph that maximizes the number of red nodes while ensuring that all black nodes in the subgraph have new valencies less than or equal to 2. If "induced" means that if two nodes are connected in the original graph, and they both exist in a subgraph, then the border between them is automatically included. Finally, I would like to introduce negative edge weights.
Can this be reduced to a standard algorithm? Hopefully with known complexity and simple implementation.
Obviously, a subgraph can be grown greedily. But is it better?
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I'm sure this problem is NP-complete class , so there is no easy way to solve it. I suggest you take a constraint satisfaction approach . There are several ways to formulate your problem, such as mixed integer programming, MaxSAT, or even pseudo- boolean constraints .
For the first try, I would recommend the MiniZinc solver. For example, consider this example of defining and solving graph problems in MiniZinc.
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Unfortunately this is NP-hard, so there are probably no polynomial time algorithms to solve it. Below is an abbreviation for the NP-hard problem Independent Set , where we are given a graph G = (V, E) (with n = | V | and m = | E |) and an integer k, and the task is to determine, is it possible to find a set of k or more vertices in such a way that no two vertices in the set are connected by edges:
- For each vertex v_i in G, create a red vertex r_i in H.
- For each edge (v_i, v_j) in G, create the following in H:
- black top b_ij,
- n + 1 red vertices t_ijk (1 <= k <= n + 1),
- n black vertices u_ijk (1 <= k <= n),
- n edges (t_ijk, u_ijk) (1 <= k <= n)
- n edges (t_ijk, u_ij {k-1}) (2 <= k <= n + 1)
- three edges (r_i, b_ij), (r_j, b_ij) and (t_ij1, b_ij).
- For each pair of vertices v_i, v_j create the following:
- black top c_ij,
- two edges (r_i, c_ij) and (r_j, c_ij).
- Set the threshold to m (n + 1) + k.
Call the set of all r_i R, the set of all b_ij B, the set of all c_ij C, the set of all t_ij T and the set of all u_ij U.
The general idea is that we force each black vertex b_ij to select at most 1 of the two red vertices r_i and r_j corresponding to the endpoints of edge (i, j) in G. We do this by giving each of these b_ij vertices 3 outgoing edges , one of which (one for t_ij1) is "mandatory", that is, any solution in which the vertex t_ij1 is not selected can be improved by selecting it, as well as n other red vertices to which it connects (via the "path of disgust" which alternates between vertices at t_ijk and vertices at u_ijk), getting rid of r_i or r_j to restore the property that no black vertex has 3 or more neighbors in the solution, if necessary, and then finally restore the connectivity by choosing the desired vertex from C. (Vertices c_ij are "connectors":they only exist to ensure that any subset of R we include could be turned into one connected component.)
First, assume that there is an IS of size k in G. We will show that there is a connected induced subgraph X with at least m (n + 1) + k red nodes in H, in which every black vertex has most 2 neighbors in X.
First, include in X k vertices from R corresponding to vertices in IS (such a set should exist by assumption). Since these vertices form IS, no vertex in B is adjacent to more than one of them, so for each vertex b_ij we can safely add it, and the "hermit path" 2n + 1 vertices starting from t_ij1 in X as Well. Each of these twist paths contains n + 1 red vertices, and there are m such paths (one for each edge in G), so X now has m (n + 1) + k red vertices. Finally, to ensure that X is connected, add every vertex c_ij to it such that r_i and r_j are already in X: note that this does not change the total number of red vertices in X.
Suppose now that there is a connected induced subgraph X with at least m (n + 1) + k red nodes in H, in which each black vertex has at most two neighbors in X. We will show that there is an IS in G of size k.
The only red vertices in H are those in R and those in T. There are only n vertices in R, so if X does not contain all m wiggly paths, it must have at most (m-1) (n + 1) + n = m (n + 1) -1 red vertices, which contradicts the assumption that it has at least m (n + 1) + k red vertices. So X must contain all m wiggly paths. This leaves k other red vertices in X, which must be from R. None of these vertices can be adjacent to the same vertex in B, since then the B-vertex will be adjacent to three vertices: so these k vertices correspond IS in G.
Since a YES instance of IS implies a YES instance for a constructed instance of your problem and vice versa, the solution of a constructed instance of your problem exactly matches the solution of an IS instance; and since the construction is clearly polynomial, this establishes that your problem is NP-hard.
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