Migration to Azure SQL (BCP)

I am trying to migrate a database from my local SQL server (SQL 2008 R2) to an Azure SQL installation.

Using a migration tool I found on the internet, he highlighted some issues where features are not available in Azure, the main one being BULK INSERT.

I have since replaced this function with a call to xp_cmdshell to use BCP.

Now I am getting an error that xp_cmdshell is not available in blue!

DECLARE @BCPString VARCHAR(255) = 'BCP ' + @DatabaseName + '.dbo.TEMP IN ' + @Path + ' -c -t "," -r "0x0a" -S ' + @ServerName + ' -T'

EXEC xp_cmdshell @BCPString, no_output


"xp_cmdshell is not supported in the current version of Azure SQL Database

Does anyone know of a workaround or other method for bulk importing data that can be used in both SQL 2008 R2 and Azure SQL?

The import I need to do is simple, it creates the table, imports and then processes the rest, after which the table drops.


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1 answer

you can use Bulk Insert to Azure. First, you need to create an external datasource for blob as shown below.

    WITH  (
        LOCATION = 'https://newinvoices.blob.core.windows.net/week3', 
        CREDENTIAL = UploadInvoices  


Now you can use BULKINSERT like below

BULK INSERT tablename
FROM 'product.csv'
WITH (  DATA_SOURCE = 'MyAzureBlobStorage',
        FORMAT='CSV', CODEPAGE = 65001, --UTF-8 encoding


Azure (in the coming months) maintains a managed instance of SQLAZURE (currently in preview), this is the same as OnPremises SQLServer with SQLAGent, CLR, etc.

Microsoft / sql-server-samples



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