Scroll action in PureScript Halogen

I am using purescript-halogen and I want to scroll to the bottom of the div when the child component message has been detected. However, it looks like there is no scrolling motion control in the halogen. So how can I scroll to the end of the div?

One solution I believe is that calling another, not Halogen, process from Main when the event is caught. I'm not sure if this solution is not bad.


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2 answers

Adjusting the scroll position is done only with the usual DOM rendering-oriented node functionality.

To do this, you need to add a property ref

in HTML-DSL to the node you want to loop through:

-- Define this in the same module as / in the `where` for a component
containerRef ∷ H.RefLabel
containerRef = H.RefLabel "container"

-- Use it with the `ref` property like so:
render =
    [ HP.ref containerRef ]
    [ someContent ]


And then in eval

for the component, you can get the actual DOM element created with getHTMLElementRef

and then update the scroll position on that:

eval (ScrollToBottom next) = do
  ref ← H.getHTMLElementRef containerRef
  for_ ref \el → H.liftEff do
    scrollHeight ← DOM.scrollHeight el
    offsetHeight ← DOM.offsetHeight el
    let maxScroll ← scrollHeight - offsetHeight 
    DOM.setScrollTop maxScroll el
  pure next


Below are snippets from some real world code that does something like this, so should do the trick!



Essentially the same answer as / ... , but I had a hard time finding different imports:

import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import DOM.HTML.Types (htmlElementToElement)
import DOM.Node.Element (scrollHeight, setScrollTop)
import DOM.HTML.HTMLElement (offsetHeight)


-- Define this in the same module as / in the `where` for a component
containerRef ∷ H.RefLabel
containerRef = H.RefLabel "container"

-- Use it with the `ref` property like so:
render =
    [ HP.ref containerRef ]
    [ someContent ]


eval (ScrollToBottom next) = do
  ref <- H.getHTMLElementRef containerRef
  for_ ref $ \el -> H.liftEff $ do
    let hel = htmlElementToElement el
    sh <- scrollHeight hel
    oh <- offsetHeight el
    let maxScroll = sh - oh
    setScrollTop maxScroll hel
  pure next




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