How to collect a tuple into separate variables

def giveMeTuple: Tuple2[String, String] = {
    Tuple2("one", "two")

def testFive: Unit = {
    val one, two = giveMeTuple






But I expected:



What happens to the initialization one

and two



source to share

2 answers

Almost there. This is what you need:

val (one, two) = giveMeTuple



val one, two = giveMeTuple


you say: initialize one

with the return value giveMeTuple

and initialize the two

return value giveMeTuple

(in this case giveMeTuple

will be called twice)

Another similar example is

val one, two = 1


where both will be value-initialized 1

Instead, you want to deconstruct the return value giveMeTuple

and take the first and second values ​​from the tuple. In this case, it giveMeTuple

will only be called once.



You are missing a parenthesis:

val (one, two) = giveMeTuple


If we decompile the above code, we can see that it is just a Tuple pattern that is part of the Scalas Pattern Matching feature:

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {                                                                                              
  private[this] val x$1: (String, String) = (TupleTest.this.giveMeTuple: (String, String) @unchecked) match { 
    case (_1: String, _2: String)(String, String)((one @ _), (two @ _)) => scala.Tuple2.apply[String, String](one, two)              
  val one: String = x$1._1;                                                                                                          
  val two: String = x$1._2;                                                                                                          


Whereas your example is a double call to the same method and assignment to a new value:

def giveMeTuple: (String, String) = scala.Tuple2.apply[String, String]("one", "two"); 
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {                                               
   val one: (String, String) = TupleTest.this.giveMeTuple;                             
   val two: (String, String) = TupleTest.this.giveMeTuple;                             




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