Why do v-show and v-if react immediately to logical changes in objects, but not in arrays?

This strange behavior occurred while developing a dynamic FAQ page where the answer is displayed after clicking a question.

When the boolean that controls the opening / closing of the response is stored in an object, the view is updated instantly and the response is shown or hidden instantly. However, when stored in a list, the answer is not shown or hidden until the view is refreshed in some other way.

Here's a script showing the issue https://jsfiddle.net/masterofginseng/ffqt9n4y/6/


<script src="https://npmcdn.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="faq">
  <div>This responds immediately</div>
  <div v-for="questionObj in questions1">
    <div style="cursor: pointer;" @click="questionObj.open = !questionObj.open">
      {{ questionObj.question }}
    <div style="color: blue;" v-show="questionObj.open">{{ questionObj.answer }}</div>
  <div>This doesn't respond until the view is updated in some other way (ex. by clicking on one of the questions above)</div>
  <div v-for="questionarray in questions2">
    <div style="cursor: pointer;" @click="questionarray[2] = !questionarray[2]">
      {{ questionarray[0] }}
    <div style="color: blue;" v-show="questionarray[2]">{{ questionarray[1] }}</div>


And the javascript:

new Vue({
  el: "#faq",
  data: {
    questions1: [{
      question: "How big is it?",
      answer: "very big",
      open: false
    }, {
      question: "How small is it?",
      answer: "very small",
      open: false
    questions2: [
      ["How big is it?", "very big", false],
      ["How small is it?", "very small", false]



source to share

2 answers

Due to a limitation in Javascript, Vue cannot detect value changes in elements with this syntax:

questionarray[2] = !questionarray[2]


See it here: https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/list.html#Array-Change-Detection

As explained in the link above, you should instead use splice()


questionarray.splice(2, 1, !questionarray[2])




This is due to display caveats

Try it like this:

<script src="https://npmcdn.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="faq">
  <div>This responds immediately</div>
  <div v-for="questionObj in questions1">
    <div style="cursor: pointer;" @click="questionObj.open = !questionObj.open">
      {{ questionObj.question }}
    <div style="color: blue;" v-show="questionObj.open">{{ questionObj.answer }}</div>
  <div>This doesn't respond until the view is updated in some other way (ex. by clicking on one of the questions above)</div>
  <div v-for="questionarray in questions2">
    <div style="cursor: pointer;" @click="myMethod(questionarray)">
      {{ questionarray[0] }}
    <div style="color: blue;" v-show="questionarray[2]">{{ questionarray[1] }}</div>



new Vue({
  el: "#faq",
  data: {
    questions1: [{
      question: "How big is it?",
      answer: "very big",
      open: false
    }, {
      question: "How small is it?",
      answer: "very small",
      open: false
    questions2: [
      ["How big is it?", "very big", false],
      ["How small is it?", "very small", false]
        this.$set(questionArray, 2, !questionArray[2]);


Here is a jsFiddle

Or a less detailed version, as Linus Borg answered:

<script src="https://npmcdn.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="faq">
  <div>This responds immediately</div>
  <div v-for="questionObj in questions1">
    <div style="cursor: pointer;" @click="questionObj.open = !questionObj.open">
      {{ questionObj.question }}
    <div style="color: blue;" v-show="questionObj.open">{{ questionObj.answer }}</div>
  <div>This doesn't respond until the view is updated in some other way (ex. by clicking on one of the questions above)</div>
  <div v-for="questionarray in questions2">
    <div style="cursor: pointer;" @click="questionarray.splice(2, 1, !questionarray[2])">
      {{ questionarray[0] }}
    <div style="color: blue;" v-show="questionarray[2]">{{ questionarray[1] }}</div>




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