Celery "Worker-n" pid: xxxx exited with "exitcode 1" when I import hmmlearn

In my tasks.py file, when I import hmmlearn,

from hmmlearn import hmm


and start working with celery, I get the following error:

[2017-06-14 09:18:27,638: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: 
[2017-06-14 09:18:27,716: ERROR/MainProcess] Process 'Worker-4' pid:5264 
exited with 'exitcode 1'
[2017-06-14 09:18:29,857: ERROR/MainProcess] Process 'Worker-7' pid:3172 
exited with 'exitcode 1'
[2017-06-14 09:18:29,857: ERROR/MainProcess] Process 'Worker-6' pid:5768 
exited with 'exitcode 1'
[2017-06-14 09:18:29,857: ERROR/MainProcess] Process 'Worker-5' pid:5236 
exited with 'exitcode 1'
[2017-06-14 09:18:31,450: ERROR/MainProcess] Process 'Worker-8' pid:5876 
exited with 'exitcode 1'


And after I turned off the worker,

[2017-06-14 09:19:28,545: WARNING/MainProcess] c:\anaconda3\lib\site-
packages\celery\apps\worker.py:161: CDeprecationWarning:
Starting from version 3.2 Celery will refuse to accept pickle by default.


If I just comment out that the imports and code use this imports everything works fine. But I can do all tasks (including hmm code) as standalone python code on ipython without any problem.

I am using conda distribution with the following details

Current conda install:

           platform : win-64
      conda version : 4.3.21
   conda is private : False
  conda-env version : 4.3.21
conda-build version : 1.21.3
     python version : 3.5.2.final.0
   requests version : 2.14.2

λ conda list | grep celery
celery                    3.1.18                    <pip>

λ conda list | grep kombu
kombu                     3.0.37                    <pip>

λ conda list | grep hmmlearn
hmmlearn                  0.1.1               np111py35_0    omnia


What should I do?


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1 answer

Perhaps this is due to the fact that celery 3.1.xx comes with billiards 3.3.

If you update this package (to 3.5 at the time of writing), the service might work again.

pip install --upgrade billiard




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