Docker: filesystem readonly error

I need to create a container (docker run), start an application like gams, and then destroy the container. for a load test, I repeat this 1000 times. by the end of this test, RHEL7 complains about a "readonly filesystem" or "segmentation fault" on ls. the only solution so far is the reset disk. tried to increase ulimit. tried to dump $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH. didn't work.

what could be a good diagnosis?

Solutions so far: Updated from docker 1.12.6 to 17.x set interval to 5 minutes between runs

no disk reset is still not implemented after implementing the above two solutions, waiting for the next test to complete to confirm


The issue is truncated again when copying files from main node to compute node via java code: "bash: unable to create temp file for here-doc: read-only file system


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