How can I change the default public access modifier instead of the internal one for generated classes?

when you auto generate the class the default resharper seems to come with internal class Blah

, but I would like it to be the defaultpublic class Blah

I can understand why, because at that moment of generation it is only within the field, but very quickly I will use it publicly in the field. It requires an automatic fix, which is just annoying. I would like to be able to specify a default access modifier

I have 2017.1.2

The way to generate the class is as follows: -

var x = new Blah()

ALT+ -> ENTERCreate type / generate class

enter image description here


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1 answer

You need to change templates. Resharper => Tools => Template Explorer selects Live / File Templates for C #. Now you can edit whatever you want.

Template browser window

change :

It seems that you are calling "quick fixes". Probably related to "find / replace patterns". The default value was not displayed yet.



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