Is there a way to select the current scope in ng-repeat?

I have Angular 1.x MVC as such:


.controller('orderdetailCtrl', ['$scope', 'orderServer', ..., function($scope, orderServer, ...) {

  $scope.refundDetail = function(item) {
    orderServer.refundDetailDialog(item).result.then(function(data) {
      if(data) {
        item.refund_info.refund_balance = data;

  $scope.refundEdit = function(item) {
    orderServer.refundEditDialog(item).result.then(function(data) {
      if (data) item.refund_info.refund_balance = data;


}]).controller('refundDetailDialogCtrl', ['$scope', 'orderServer', ..., function($scope, orderServer, ...) {


  $scope.cancel = function() {
}]).factory('orderServer', [..., function(...) {

  return {
    refundDetailDialog: function(item) {
      return $dialogs.create('/.../xxx.modal.html', 'refundDetailDialogCtrl', item, {
        size: "lg"
    refundEditDialog: function(item){
      return $dialogs.create('/.../xxx.modal.html', 'refundEditCtrl', item);




Now the parent page has this setting:

<tr ng-repeat="details in entity.refundlist">




There are duplicate "details" item

in $scope.refundDetail

, now the code above works just fine. Out of curiosity, I like to know if I can replace the item in the orderServer with the current amount of "parts" (which means replace item.refund_info.refund_balance = data


I have tried so far:

$scope.refund_info.refund_balance = data;
this.refund_info.refund_balance = data;
refund_info.refund_balance = data;
$scope.details.refund_info.refund_balance = data;
this.details.refund_info.refund_balance = data;
details.refund_info.refund_balance = data;


None of them worked.

angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat

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1 answer

There is a logical error in this question. When data is passed back to orderdetailCtrl

through your factory orderServer

, it is in scope orderdetailCtrl

instead of "ng-repeat scope", which means you cannot directly select "details". The current method is the only way to select "parts".


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