Using numpy and pandas how to calculate percentage and use criteria and give negative sign

I have data like this:

A   B
25  50
25  25
50  25
75  100
80  100
100 80


I want to calculate the percentage, for column B, how much% is greater than A. So,% = (BA) * 100,

But, when B is less than A, I want to display a non-negative sign (e.g. -50%). Because I only want B, how many%> A.

If B is less than A, then it will show 0 or - negative sign percentages.

For example: A = 50, B = 25, then (B / A) * 100 = -50% or 0%

enter image description here Any idea?


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2 answers

You can use Series.mask

either numpy.where


df['C'] = (df['B'] / df['A']) * 100
df['D'] = df['C'].mask((df['B'] < df['A']), df['C'] * -1)
print (df)
     A    B           C           D
0   25   50  200.000000  200.000000
1   25   25  100.000000  100.000000
2   50   25   50.000000  -50.000000
3   75  100  133.333333  133.333333
4   80  100  125.000000  125.000000
5  100   80   80.000000  -80.000000


df['C'] = df['B'].div(df['A']).mul(100)
df['D'] = df['C'].mask((df['B'] < df['A']), df['C'].mul(-1))
print (df)
     A    B           C           D
0   25   50  200.000000  200.000000
1   25   25  100.000000  100.000000
2   50   25   50.000000  -50.000000
3   75  100  133.333333  133.333333
4   80  100  125.000000  125.000000
5  100   80   80.000000  -80.000000


df['D'] = np.where((df['B'] < df['A']), df['C'] * -1, df['C'])
print (df)
     A    B           C           D
0   25   50  200.000000  200.000000
1   25   25  100.000000  100.000000
2   50   25   50.000000  -50.000000
3   75  100  133.333333  133.333333
4   80  100  125.000000  125.000000
5  100   80   80.000000  -80.000000




Using eval

with some logic

df.eval('C = ((B >= A) * 2 - 1) * B / A * 100', inplace=False)

     A    B           C
0   25   50  200.000000
1   25   25  100.000000
2   50   25  -50.000000
3   75  100  133.333333
4   80  100  125.000000
5  100   80  -80.000000


Without eval

df.assign(C=((df.B >= df.A) * 2 - 1) * df.B / df.A * 100)

     A    B           C
0   25   50  200.000000
1   25   25  100.000000
2   50   25  -50.000000
3   75  100  133.333333
4   80  100  125.000000
5  100   80  -80.000000


FROM numpy

B = df.B.values
A = df.A.values
df.assign(C=((B >= A) * 2 - 1) * B / A * 100)

     A    B           C
0   25   50  200.000000
1   25   25  100.000000
2   50   25  -50.000000
3   75  100  133.333333
4   80  100  125.000000
5  100   80  -80.000000




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