How to call a generic function with a parameter of a related type in Swift 3

Here's my sample code:

protocol P {


protocol B {

  associatedtype ID: P


class MyClass: B {
  enum ID: P {
    case one
    case two

func process<T: B>(_ value: T.ID) {
  // do something

process( // Compile Error: cannot convert value of type 'MyClass.ID' to expected argument type '_.ID'


As you can see, I define a generic function with a parameter whose type is associated type of general type T . How can I call this function? I want to use as an argument, but the compiler gives the following warning:

cannot convert value of type 'MyClass.ID' to expected argument type '_.ID'



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2 answers

It looks like Swift has an issue of deducting T

from a call starting with MyClass.ID

, is T.ID

, and for is MyClass

used T


If you change your function to take an additional type parameter T

, the code compiles and works fine:

func process<T: B>(_ value: T.ID, _ workaround : T) {
  // do something

let workaround = MyClass()
process(, workaround)


Swift designers can approach this inference problem in two ways:

  • Correct the inference engine to resolve this use case, or
  • Simplify the inference engine for definition T

    by applying stricter rules for function signatures.

It looks like they solved the second approach with Swift 4, because the original function won't compile, throwing the following error:

generic parameter is 'T'

not used in function signature

Better work to pass a type instead of an instance using a Java style approach:

func process<T: B>(_ value: T.ID, _ workaround: T.Type) {
  // do something
process(, MyClass.self)


Note. ... Editing based on very insightful tesch comments



dasblinkenlight gives a good answer to the question of why your current implementation is not working. If the decisive resolution is simply to find another way to implement this feature, I would go for a less hacky solution:

extension B {
    static func process(_ value: Self.ID) {
        //do stuff



This takes advantage of the more flexible type inference achieved with a protocol extension Self




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