String operations on selected columns based on substring in data.table

I would like to apply a function to selected columns that match two different substrings. I found this thread related to my question , but I couldn't get an answer from there.

Here is an example of reproducibility from my failed attempt. For this example, I want to perform a row- v

wise operation where I add the values ​​from all columns starting with the row and subtract from the mean in all columns starting at f


update: the proposed solution is to (a) use the operator :=

to make the most of the data.table

high performance and (2) be flexible for another operation, not mean

and sum

that I am used here just for simplicity


# generate data
  dt <- data.table(id= letters[1:5],
                   v1= 1:5, 
                   v2= 1:5,
                   f1= 11:15,
                   f2= 11:15)

#>    id v1 v2 f1 f2
#> 1:  a  1  1 11 11
#> 2:  b  2  2 12 12
#> 3:  c  3  3 13 13
#> 4:  d  4  4 14 14
#> 5:  e  5  5 15 15

# what I've tried
  dt[, Y := sum( .SDcols=names(dt) %like% "v" ) - mean( .SDcols=names(dt) %like% "f" ) by = id]



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2 answers

We are melt

a dataset in "long" format, using an argument measure

, we get the difference between sum

of 'v' and mean

of 'f', grouped by 'id', join on

the "id" column with the original dataset and assign ( :=

) "V1" as a variable "Y"

dt[melt(dt, measure = patterns("^v", "^f"), = c("v", "f"))[
         , sum(v) - mean(f), id], Y :=V1,  on = .(id)]

#   id v1 v2 f1 f2  Y
#1:  a  1  1 11 11 -9
#2:  b  2  2 12 12 -8
#3:  c  3  3 13 13 -7
#4:  d  4  4 14 14 -6
#5:  e  5  5 15 15 -5


Or another option with Reduce

after creating indexes or columns "v" and "f"

nmv <- which(startsWith(names(dt), "v"))
nmf <- which(startsWith(names(dt), "f"))
l1 <- length(nmv)
dt[, Y := Reduce(`+`, .SD[, nmv, with = FALSE])- (Reduce(`+`, .SD[, nmf, with  = FALSE])/l1)]





and rowMeans

in combination with grep

can accomplish this.

dt$Y <- rowMeans(dt[,grep("f", names(dt)),with=FALSE]) - rowSums(dt[,grep("v", names(dt)),with=FALSE])




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