Replace a sequence of equal length values> 2

I have a sensor that measures a variable, and when there is no connection, it always returns the last value instead NA

. So in my vector, I would like to replace these identical values ​​with a value (for example with na.approx


vec <- round(runif(20)*10)
####  [1] 2 8 4 3 6 6 1 3 6 6 5 5 5 6 9 8 1 7 9 3


But I only want sequences larger than 2 (3 or more identical numbers) because 2 identical numbers can appear naturally. (in the previous example, the sequence for the tag would be 5 5 5


I tried to do it with diff

to mark my same dots ( c(0, diff(vec) == 0)

), but I don't know how to deal with the condition length == 2


EDIT my expected output could be like this:

####  [1] 2 8 4 3 6 6 1 3 6 6 5 NA NA 6 9 8 1 7 9 3


(A second identical sequence value of 3 or more is probably also a wrong value)



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2 answers

you can use rle

to get the indices of the positions where NA

should be assigned.

vec[with(data = rle(vec),
     expr = unlist(sapply(which(lengths > 2), function(i)
         (sum(lengths[1:i]) - (lengths[i] - 2)):sum(lengths[1:i]))))] = NA
#[1]  2  8  4  3  6  6  1  3  6  6  5 NA NA  6  9  8  1  7  9  3


In function

foo = function(X, length){
   replace(x = X,
           list = with(data = rle(X),
                       expr = unlist(sapply(which(lengths > length), function(i)
                           (sum(lengths[1:i]) - (lengths[i] - length)):sum(lengths[1:i])))),
           values = NA)
foo(X = vec, length = 2)
#[1]  2  8  4  3  6  6  1  3  6  6  5 NA NA  6  9  8  1  7  9  3




you can use the function lag

> vec <- round(runif(20)*10)
> vec
 [1] 2 8 4 3 6 6 1 3 6 6 5 5 5 6 9 8 1 7 9 3
> vec[vec == lag(vec) & vec == lag(vec,2)] <- NA
> vec
 [1]  2  8  4  3  6  6  1  3  6  6  5  5 NA  6  9  8  1  7  9  3




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