How to set up path for gems using Fish shell?

How do I properly set up the path for the gems using the Fish shell?

sanoy @ nice-system ~ / D / c / h / bellevue> gem installation kit

WARNING. You don't have /home/sanoy/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/bin in your PATH, the executables won't run. Successfully installed package-0.0.1 Parse documentation for package-0.0.1 Ready to install

documentation for package after 0 seconds 1 set stone

sanoy @ nice-system ~ / D / c / h / bellevue> fish installation kit: Unknown command 'bundle' file

set PATH </home/sanoy/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/bin> $PATH

set -gx PATH $PATH </home/sanoy/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/bin>



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1 answer

As it was discovered in the comments, the rest of the line in fish.config

fixes the problem:

set -gx PATH ~/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/bin $PATH




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