RavenDb - Status Code: NotFound

I installed RavenDb with Docker using the Powershell script supplied in the Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/ravendb/ravendb/ (run-ubuntu1604.ps1).

I can log into the RavenDb admin console using localhost: 8080 and I can create a database called "mydbname".

But when I try to write a .NET program to interact with Raven, I get an error. Here is the code:

using (var store = new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8080", DefaultDatabase = "mydbname" })

    using (var session = store.OpenSession())
        var doc = MyClass.New();

        Console.WriteLine("Inserted this document:");
        Console.WriteLine(doc.Name + "\t" + doc.Age + "\t" + doc.RandomString);



just returns a new POCO type MyClass


The error I get when I run this:

Unhandled Exception: Raven.Abstractions.Connection.ErrorResponseException: Status code: NotFound

   at Raven.Client.Connection.Implementation.HttpJsonRequest.<CheckForErrorsAndReturnCachedResultIfAnyAsync>d__41.MoveNext() in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-3.5\Raven.Client.Lightweight\Connection\Implementation\HttpJsonRequest.cs:line 385
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)


[very long stack trace skipped]

So, have I configured something wrong, or am I writing something in C #, or what? I am using RavenDB Client 3.5.3


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1 answer

Matthew, There is a bug in our docker that will lead to this. We just released a fix for this in Beta 2 yesterday, but the docker image will be updated on Monday.

You can get the new version of the client here. https://www.myget.org/feed/ravendb/package/nuget/RavenDB.Client



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