Limiting requests with the Google Python module

I am pulling about 100.00 values ​​from a spreadsheet and getting the first results to see if they are http or https. The scripts work fine (enough for my purposes), but I get a 503 error after the 70th iteration of the loop.

Any thoughts / ideas / suggestions on how to get the number of requests I need?


import pandas as pd
import re
import time
library_list = pd.read_csv("PLS_FY2014_AE_pupld14a.csv")

zero = 0
with_https = 0 

for i in library_list['LIBNAME']:
    for url in search(library_list['LIBNAME'][zero], num = 1, start = 0, stop = 1):
        zero += 1
        if 'https' in url:
            with_https += 1



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1 answer

I am trying to do the same and am getting 503 error after 30-50 results. I ended up making the search wait for a random amount of time between 30 and 60 seconds per search. I read about other issues with the same problem and they said that Google's crawlers are capped at around 50 per hour. the code i used is

import os, arcpy, urllib, ssl, time, datetime, random, errno
from datetime import datetime
from arcpy import env
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
    from google import search
except ImportError:
    print("No module named 'google' found")
from google import search
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(facilities, ["NAME", "Weblinks", "ADDRESSSTATECODE", "MP_TYPE"]) as rows:
    for row in rows:
        if row[1] is None:
            if row[3] != "xxxxxx":
                query = str(row[0])
                print("The query will be " + query)
                wt = random.uniform(30,60)
                print("Script will wait " + str(wt) + " seconds before the next search.")
                for j in search(" " + query + ", " + str(row[2]), tld="", num=1, stop=1, pause=wt):
                    row[1] = str(j)


My script has been running for 7 days non-stop with no errors. It might be slow, but it will get the job done eventually. I am doing about 18,000 searches this round.



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