Change method visibility based on android sdk
Suppose I have developed an android XYZ library that has animateWithTransition () methods
, which has code associated with the transition api (i.e. minsdk = 21)
animateSimply () which has simple animation.
When the client uses the XYZ library , he should be able to see animateWithTransition () as a sentence (ctrl + space) if his minsdk <21. and should only be able to see animateSimply () : |
How to do it?
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1 answer
You should try to structure your code like this:
public void performAnimation() {
if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21 )
// write code for animateSimply function here
// write code for animateWithTransition function here
In this case, you will have one feature (which means less code, cleaner code) and easier testing. Also, your client only has to call 1 function, making it easier for your library to use.
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