Is the FireBase RealTime DataBase data load account viewing this data in the developer console?

I just can't figure out where the megabytes of downloaded data comes from from FireBase RealTime DataBase, whereas I am asking for a specific value on a specific string with a size of 10-20 characters. Values ​​come. Requests for such values ​​did not exceed a hundred.

Value query string

Firebase ref = new Firebase("");
ref.child("city").child("street").addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {  


String street = snapshot.getValue().toString();


Perhaps the FireBase RealTime DataBase takes into account the loading of the data viewing this data in the developer console?


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1 answer


Outbound traffic includes connection and encryption costs from all database operations and data loaded through database reads. Both reads and writes of the database can put a connection cost on your account. All traffic to and from your database, including operations prohibited by security rules, results in billable costs.


Firebase console data . While this is usually not a significant part of the cost of a Realtime database, Firebase will charge you for the data you read and write from the Firebase console.


Protocol overhead . To establish and maintain a session, some additional traffic is required between the server and clients. Depending on the underlying protocol, this traffic can include: Firebase Realtime Database Realtime Protocol overhead, WebSocket overhead, and HTTP overhead. Each time a connection is established, this overhead, combined with any SSL encryption overhead, contributes to the connection cost. While this isn't a lot of bandwidth for a single request, it can be a significant chunk of your bill if your payload is tiny, or you make frequent short connections.

I think my loaded data comes from many small records in the database and associated overhead. I have an IoT application - now I'm not sure if Firebase is the right choice for this.



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