Vue Selectors testers fail to grab Vue component

I'm using Testcafe Vue Selectors to test e2e in my Vue app, but it looks like I can't grab any of my components:

1) An error occurred in getVue code:

      TypeError: Cannot read property '__vue__' of undefined


This is a sample test I created:

import VueSelector from "testcafe-vue-selectors";
import { Selector } from 'testcafe';

fixture `Getting Started`
    .page `http://localhost:8081/`;

test('test totalValue format', async t => {
    const totalValue = VueSelector("total-value");

    await t
        .expect(totalValue.getVue(({ props }) => props.formatProperty)).eql(null)


The structure of my component tree is as follows:



And I import the component like this:

  "total-value": TotalValue,


Why doesn't it work?

EDIT: this is the page where I am testing the component

    <div class="hello">
        <div class="component-wrapper">

import TotalValue from "../../core/TotalValue";

export default {
    name: "hello",
    components: {
        "total-value": TotalValue,
    data() {
        return {
            totalValueValue: 1000000,
            formatNumber: true,
            formatFunction: Assets.formatNumber,
    computed: {
        computedFormatNumber() {
            return this.formatNumber ? ["nl", "0,0 a"] : [];




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1 answer

Just a sequel, we fixed the issue described in this thread:

Support component is loaded via vue-loader



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