How to run test DLL xUnit on command line without creating project

I have a project in .NET Core and have inline tests using xUnit. Now I wanted to run the test during the deployment process. What I have done so far:

I used this command on the command line:

dotnet test [project address]  ... 


it works, but the problem is that this command gets the file .csproj

and not dll


I've installed and used xunit.runner.console

but didn't work with .NET Core projects.

I used a command dotnet xunit

, this one didn't help either, until I can give it dll

, it uses the project folder as well.

What can I use to run my inline test (don't want to create them again), any command line tools I can give my test dll

as input and it runs the test for me.


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1 answer

You have several options here:

1. Use the command vstest

dotnet vstest Foo.dll


run tests from dll

. XUnit tests are supported. Documentation

One file alone is dll

not enough. Run dotnet vstest

from a folder bin

that usually contains:



This output is bin

required to run tests.

2. Skip project build during test run

dotnet test --no-build




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