T-SQL query for vertical table structure

I am working on an e-commerce project. Now I need to create a filter for the product detail page. My tables are below.


id title      | description           | Etc.
-- ---------- | --------------------- | -----------
1  Product  1 | Product 1 description | xxx
2  Product  2 | Product 2 description | xxx
3  Product  3 | Product 3 description | xxx
4  Product  4 | Product 4 description | xxx
5  Product  5 | Product 5 description | xxx



id title      | Etc.
-- ---------- | ------
1  Color      | xxx
2  Display    | xxx



id          | productId   | specificationId | value
----------- | ----------- | --------------- | -----
1           | 1           | 1               | Red
2           | 1           | 2               | LED
3           | 2           | 1               | Red
4           | 2           | 2               | OLED
5           | 3           | 1               | Blue
6           | 3           | 2               | LED
7           | 4           | 1               | Blue
8           | 4           | 2               | OLED


E-commerce users should be able to filter multiple parameters at the same time. I mean, the user might want to search for "(red or blue) and OLED TVs."

I tried something, but I couldn't write the correct stored procedure. I guess I'm stuck here and I need help.


After some answers, I need to update more information here.

The characteristics are dynamic. Therefore, filters are also dynamic. I am generating filters using a bit of a column named allowFilter. So I cannot use strongly typed parameters like @color


Users can choose not to use the filter. Or they can use one or more filters. You can find the query I'm working on here:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProductsGetAll]
@categoryId int,
@brandIds varchar(max),
@specIds varchar(max),
@specValues varchar(max),
@pageNo int,
@pageSize int,
@status smallint,
@search varchar(255),
@sortOrder smallint
TODO: Modify query to use sortOrder
select * into #products
    select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by p.sortOrder) as rowId,p.*
    from Products p left join ProductSpecifications ps on ps.productId = p.id
    (@status = -1
        or (@status = -2 and (p.status = 0 or p.status = 1))
        or (p.status = @status)
    and (@categoryId = -1 or p.categoryId = @categoryId)
    and (@brandIds = '' or p.brandId in (select ID from fnStringToBigIntTable(@brandIds,',')))
    and (
        @search = ''
        or p.title like '%' + @search + '%'
        or p.description like '%' + @search + '%'
        or p.detail like '%' + @search + '%'
    and (@specIds = ''
        or (
            ps.specificationId in (select ID from fnStringToBigIntTable(@specIds,','))
            and ps.value in (@specValues)
) x
(rowId > @pageSize * (@pageNo - 1) and rowId <= @pageSize * @pageNo)

select * from #products
select * from Categories where id in (select categoryId from #products)
select * from Brands where id in (select brandId from #products)

select count(p.id)
from Products p left join ProductSpecifications ps on ps.productId = p.id
(@status = -1
    or (@status = -2 and (p.status = 0 or p.status = 1))
    or (p.status = @status)
and (@categoryId = -1 or p.categoryId = @categoryId)
and (@brandIds = '' or p.brandId in (select ID from fnStringToBigIntTable(@brandIds,',')))
and (
    @search = ''
    or p.title like '%' + @search + '%'
    or p.description like '%' + @search + '%'
    or p.detail like '%' + @search + '%'
and (@specIds = ''
    or (
        ps.specificationId in (select ID from fnStringToBigIntTable(@specIds,','))
        and ps.value in (@specValues)

drop table #products


My problem is this:

and (@specIds = ''
        or (
            ps.specificationId in (select ID from fnStringToBigIntTable(@specIds,','))
            and ps.value in (@specValues)


I can completely change this part and the parameters used in this part.


source to share

6 answers

First, I have to thank you @alex. I used table parameters to solve my problem.

A type:

CREATE TYPE [dbo].[specificationsFilter] AS TABLE(
    [specId] [int] NULL,
    [specValue] [varchar](50) NULL


Stored procedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProductsGetAll]
@categoryId int,
@brandIds varchar(max),
@specifications specificationsFilter readonly,
@pageNo int,
@pageSize int,
@status smallint,
@search varchar(255),
@sortOrder smallint
declare @filterCount int
set @filterCount = (select count(distinct specId) from @specifications)
    TODO: Modify query to use sortOrder
select * into #products
    select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by p.sortOrder) as rowId,p.*
    from Products p
    (@status = -1
        or (@status = -2 and (p.status = 0 or p.status = 1))
        or (p.status = @status)
    and (@categoryId = -1 or p.categoryId = @categoryId)
    and (@brandIds = '' or p.brandId in (select ID from fnStringToBigIntTable(@brandIds,',')))
    and (
        @search = ''
        or p.title like '%' + @search + '%'
        or p.description like '%' + @search + '%'
        or p.detail like '%' + @search + '%'
    and (@filterCount = 0
        or (
            p.id in (
                select productId
                from ProductSpecifications ps, @specifications s
                ps.specificationId = s.specId
                and ps.value = s.specValue
                group by productId
                having sum(1) >= @filterCount
) x
(rowId > @pageSize * (@pageNo - 1) and rowId <= @pageSize * @pageNo)

select * from #products
select * from Categories where id in (select categoryId from #products)
select * from Brands where id in (select brandId from #products)

select count(p.id)
from Products p
(@status = -1
    or (@status = -2 and (p.status = 0 or p.status = 1))
    or (p.status = @status)
and (@categoryId = -1 or p.categoryId = @categoryId)
and (@brandIds = '' or p.brandId in (select ID from fnStringToBigIntTable(@brandIds,',')))
and (
    @search = ''
    or p.title like '%' + @search + '%'
    or p.description like '%' + @search + '%'
    or p.detail like '%' + @search + '%'
and (@filterCount = 0
    or (
        p.id in (
            select productId
            from ProductSpecifications ps, @specifications s
            ps.specificationId = s.specId
            and ps.value = s.specValue
            group by productId
            having sum(1) >= @filterCount

drop table #products


.NET Code to create Data Table parameter:

    private DataTable GetSpecificationFilter(string specificationFilter)
        DataTable table = new DataTable();
        table.Columns.Add("specId", typeof(Int32));
        table.Columns.Add("specValue", typeof(string));

        string[] specifications = specificationFilter.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        foreach(string specification in specifications)
            string[] specificationParams = specification.Split(new char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            int specificationId = Convert.ToInt32(specificationParams[0]);
            string[] specificationValues = specificationParams[1].Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach(string value in specificationValues)
                table.Rows.Add(specificationId, value);
        return table;


And my query string structure:



It is a complete solution for filtering product characteristics in a vertical canteen structure. I used this for an e-commerce project. Hope this solution helps you in cases like this.



You need a way to pass specifications and their values. One approach is to use group by

and having

for a general query:

select ps.product_id
from product_specifications ps join
     specifications s
     on ps.specification_id = s.specification_id
where (s.name = @title1 and ps.value = @value1) or
      (s.name = @title2 and ps.value = @value2)
having count(*) = 2;  -- "2" is the number of specifications you are checking


This version requires the addition of specifications and values โ€‹โ€‹as separate variables. There are similar approaches where you can pass a value using a temporary variable or values

. It is not clear which method of passing values โ€‹โ€‹is best for your particular case.




Table values should be used in this case. (Cm. )

senior answer
which appears to be a variation of what was going on in the original stored procedure op.

This is not the best approach, but it should get the job done.
    @Color CHAR(2) -- "10" is only red, "01" is only green, "11" is both red and green
,   @Display CHAR(2) -- "10" is LED, "01" is OLED, "11" is both LED and OLED
    DECLARE @Values TABLE (Value NVARCHAR(10))

    IF SUBSTRING(@Color, 1, 1) = '1'   BEGIN INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES ('Red') END
    IF SUBSTRING(@Color, 2, 1) = '1'   BEGIN INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES ('Green') END   
    IF SUBSTRING(@Display, 1, 1) = '1' BEGIN INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES ('LED') END
    IF SUBSTRING(@Display, 2, 1) = '1' BEGIN INSERT INTO @Values (Value) VALUES ('OLED') END

    SELECT      *
    FROM        productspecifications ps
    INNER JOIN  products p
    ON          p.id = ps.productid
    INNER JOIN  specifications s
    ON          ps.specificationid = s.id
    WHERE       ps.Value IN (SELECT * FROM @Values)


This example is very specific to the tables you mentioned.

Explanation of how it works

You are passing two strings of only zeros and ones (for example: "0010110"). Your stored procedure will know to interpret 1 at index 0 in the string @Color

as Red

and 1 at index 1 @Color

as Blue

. The same goes for LEDs and OLEDs. Your stored procedure will have many IF statements to check each index on each row and store the corresponding values โ€‹โ€‹in some temporary table (or temporary table variable if you don't have too many values). Then, when you query your tables, just put one clause WHERE

that checks where the value in the ProductSpecifications table is present in the temporary table you just created.

How it works

If you want (red or blue) and LED

, then @Color = "10"

and @Display = "10"

If you want blue and OLED

, then @Color = "01"

and @Display = "01"

If you want everything, then @Color = "11"

and @Display = "11"



  • You can achieve this (red or blue) and LED

    boolean effect


  • You should know which index in the passed root column corresponds to the value
  • Logic "leaking" from stored procedure to code (no encapsulation)


This is not a good decision. I personally don't like this, but it will be done. If anyone knows how to improve this, that would be awesome. I would like to know the best solution myself.
Also, it seemed to me that you need to pass an "array" of data as a parameter to the stored procedure, so I think that you may need to look at different ways to do this. One example I have provided is one way to achieve "array passing", but there are many other and better ways.



It seems to me you need the FIRST foreign key to do what you want.

You can add a field to the Products table and call it a specification , this will be your foreign key.

After that, to do what you want, try using the GROUP BY clause



I think if there is only a value parameter this works or adds more search parameters u like

CREATE PROCEDURE usp_ProductSpecifications (@value)
        SELECT p.id
        FROM productspecifications ps
        INNER JOIN products p
            ON p.id = ps.productid
        INNER JOIN specifications s
            ON ps.specificationid = s.id
        WHERE ps.value = @value




Please try below suggested solution, hope it helps!

Create Procedure SearchByCriteria
       @Color  VARCHAR(100) = NULL,
       @Display VARCHAR(100) = NULL
        IF @Color IS NOT NULL
        SET @Color = '%' + REPLACE (@Color,',','% OR ') + '%'
       fROM PRoduct p
       INNER JOIN ProductSpecification ps ON ps.ProductId = p.productID
       LEFT OUTER JOIN specification scolor ON scolor.ID = ps.SpecificationID
                         and scolor.Id = 1
       LEFT OUTER JOIN specification sDisplay ON sdisplay.ID = ps.SpecificationID
                         and sdisplay.Id = 2
       WHERE (@Color IS NULL OR  scolor.etc like @Color)
       AND (@Display IS NULL OR  Sdisplay like @Display)





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