Angular 4: Cannot bind with 'ngModel' as it is not a known property of 'input'

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Hi I am learning Angular 4 with ASP.Net Core and came to this problem. I have read probably all similar problems where the solution is to add FormsModule

, this does not work with my problem. The weird thing is, when I comment out the line with ngModel and run it, it works. When I uncomment and save in VS2017 only, it automatically refreshes the app and does two-way binding until I refresh the page.


import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';
import { sharedConfig } from './app.module.shared';

bootstrap: sharedConfig.bootstrap,
declarations: sharedConfig.declarations,
imports: [
providers: [
    { provide: 'ORIGIN_URL', useValue: location.origin }
export class AppModule {



<div *ngIf="selectedhero">
    <h2>{{}} details!</h2>
    <div><label>id: </label>{{selectedhero.heroNo}}</div>
        <label>name: </label>
        <input [(ngModel)]="" placeholder="name">

<div class='container'>

<ul class="heros">
    <li *ngFor="let hero of heros"
        [class.selected]="hero === selectedhero"
        <span class="badge">{{}}</span> hero {{hero.heroNo}}



import { Component } from '@angular/core';

export class hero {
    lineId: number;
    heroNo: number;
    name: string;
    statusCode: number;

const HEROS: hero[] = [
    { lineId: 2, heroNo: 1, name: '1', statusCode: 5 },
    { lineId: 2, heroNo: 2, name: '2', statusCode: 5 },
    { lineId: 2, heroNo: 3, name: '3', statusCode: 5 },
    { lineId: 2, heroNo: 4, name: '4', statusCode: 5 },
    { lineId: 2, heroNo: 5, name: '5', statusCode: 5 },
    { lineId: 2, heroNo: 6, name: '6', statusCode: 5 },
    { lineId: 2, heroNo: 7, name: '7', statusCode: 5 },
    { lineId: 2, heroNo: 8, name: '8', statusCode: 5 },
    { lineId: 2, heroNo: 9, name: '9', statusCode: 5 },
    { lineId: 2, heroNo: 10, name: '10', statusCode: 5 },
    { lineId: 2, heroNo: 11, name: '11', statusCode: 5 },
    { lineId: 2, heroNo: 12, name: '12', statusCode: 5 }

    selector: 'app',
    templateUrl: './app.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']

export class AppComponent {
    title = 'My Heroes';
    heros = HEROS;
    selectedhero : hero;
    onSelect(hero: hero): void {
        this.selectedhero = hero;



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1 answer

You must also import FormsModule

for the server module.

According to

With Angular Universal, we have to separate our application logic across the platform, so if we look into that folder, you will see 2 root files that share all the logic for the browser and server, respectively.

  • Main.Browser.ts - This file launches the entire Angular application for the Client / browser platform. Here we are setting up a few things, Angular client bootstrapping.

You barely need to touch this file, but something of a note, this is the file you want to import the libraries used in the browser into. (Just be aware that you will need to give a mock implementation for the Server when doing this).

  • Main-Server.ts . This Angular file serializes a server-side Angular app on a .NET server very fast Node and outputs a string. This is why the initial quick paint of the entire application in the browser helps us get all our SEO goodwill.


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