What is Angular2 equivalent to AngularJS $ routeChangeStart?

In AngularJS

we were able to specify a route change event to observe changes in the route object using the event $routeChangeStart/End


. What is the equivalent of a route change event in Angular2?

how can we do this exact functionality below the code in Angular2

 $scope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (scope, next, current) {
        //do what you want


I had some disagreements here, but I don't have the details anymore, so I asked a new question.

angular2 $ routeChangeStart, $ routeChangeSuccess, $ routeChangeError


source to share

1 answer

You can listen for router events by doing the following:

import {
  Router, ActivatedRoute,
  NavigationEnd, NavigationStart,
  NavigationError, NavigationCancel,
} from '@angular/router';

// constructor method of some angular element
    private _router: Router,
  ) {
          .filter(event => event instanceof NavigationStart)
          .subscribe(event => {
            console.log("New route");


EDIT: I'm not entirely sure if this is really what you want, after looking more closely at the angularjs docs it seems that these events are more related to the resolution / result of the protection in angular2



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