What means '?' after href do?

What? after href do? You will often see something like this



Somebody knows? Thank you all in advance for your help.


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2 answers

This means that this is a link to the current web page with a query string parameter. In this case, the page number. This usually happens if you have dynamic page list content and page limit.



"?" The sign is very useful and important in many ways. for example, and uses to define a specific use for specific reasons, one of those reasons is that when you have a site with three languages, but it has the same pages. check the following links below.



The language of the sample website is in English



Sample website language in Russian



The language of the sample website is in Germany

Another reason is that you have a dynamic page containing only one page with a lot of content stored in the website database. before it became static pages like the following links below



As you can see, we have three pages. how about we can have many pages, but on one page. the only difference is to change the parameter of the page itself.

Let's say you have an electronic library. you don't waste your life creating thousands of pages dealing with book details, you can simply create a book page with isbn parameter like below.



It is also used to track online campaigns and determine the source from which users are coming ...



I hope I answered your question clearly :)



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