Groupby showing other columns

I have a dataset like this:

name | $ | letter
adam, 34,  c
beny, 45,  e
adam, 55,  a
beny, 87,  t


I would like to extract the max $ donated by each name that matches the letter. So for Adam, I would get: adam, 55, a.

If I use:



which doesn't give me the corresponding letter.

If I use:



I get max $ and the highest letter in the alphabet.


source to share

1 answer

Use DataFrameGroupBy.idxmax

max values ​​for indices and then select loc


print (df.groupby('name')['$'].idxmax())
adam    2
beny    3
Name: $, dtype: int64

df = df.loc[df.groupby('name')['$'].idxmax()]
print (df)
   name   $ letter
2  adam  55      a
3  beny  87      t


Another solution with sort_values

first and then use GroupBy.last


df = df.sort_values('$').groupby('name', as_index=False).last()
print (df)
   name   $ letter
0  adam  55      a
1  beny  87      t


The difference in solutions idxmax

allows the original indices to be last

reset to them.



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