MYSQL selects a counter for each unique row, even if count is zero

I'm having problems writing select where I can get multiple Counts for each unique row, I searched the whole net and wrote select but didn't work the way I want. So I have two banner tables and bannerhistory

Id  UserId BannerName
167 35      Polly
168 35      Joke
169 21      Kim
170 35      Buck
BannerId  UserId  IP
167       35      123asd123
167       35      123asd123
168       35      BBB123sss

So my query is:
  ON bannerhistory.BannerId = banners.ID 
   bannerhistory.BannerId IN 
     bannerhistory.UserId = $ UserId 
      GROUP BY


I want to get all bannerNames for the userId declaration. I want to count different IP addresses for each banner separately. My code doesn't work because it is counting. The first banners are different (count (Ip)) for each banner, I mean almost always the number is the same. Can anyone help fix my request? Or show me a different approach. don't worry about the columns of counts and clicks, they are in the table banners

so they don't calculate anything, just get them. Sorry for my English.


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2 answers

This is the case when you want to perform an aggregation operation (COUNT ... GROUP BY) in a subquery and then do your join. The subquery looks like this and gets the number of different IP values ​​for each combination of user ID and banner in your history table. (!9/c502bb/3/0 )

            SELECT BannerId, UserId, COUNT(DISTINCT IP) BannerCount
              FROM bannerHistory
             GROUP BY BannerId, UserId


Then you can join this as if it were a virtual table into your table banner

and use it WHERE

to select the user id you want. (!9/c502bb/2/0 )

SELECT b.Id, B.UserId, b.BannerName, c.BannerCount 
  FROM banner B
  JOIN (
            SELECT BannerId, UserId, COUNT(DISTINCT IP) BannerCount
              FROM bannerHistory
             GROUP BY BannerId, UserId
       ) C ON B.Id = c.BannerId AND B.UserId = C.UserId
 WHERE B.UserId = 35


Note that the MySQL query planner is usually smart enough to execute a statement efficiently WHERE

even in a subquery.

Edit Finally, the normal inner JOIN

suppresses lines that don't match the ON condition. To store every row of the table banner

, you need to use LEFT JOIN

. (!9/c502bb/4/0 )

SELECT b.Id, B.UserId, b.BannerName, IFNULL(c.BannerCount, 0) BannerCount 
  FROM banner B
            SELECT BannerId, UserId, COUNT(DISTINCT IP) BannerCount
              FROM bannerHistory
             GROUP BY BannerId, UserId
       ) C ON B.Id = c.BannerId AND B.UserId = C.UserId
 WHERE B.UserId = 35 


Note the use SELECT ... IFNULL

to put zeros in place of zeros for rows that are not in the table BannerHistory


Tip: Create a personal indentation style for the request code so you can see the structurein a structured query language. The extra 30 seconds it takes to indent, each request will indent itself hundreds of times as you maintain your code.



Try using the following query:

Select b.Id,b.UserId,h.ips_count from banners b inner join 
(select BannerId,count(distinct ip) as ips_count 
from bannerhistory group by BannerId) h on b.Id = h.BannerId


Note / Suggestion:
I think that in your schema, storing the userId in bannerhistory is redundant if the banner table has this link id vs user, so there should only be a combination of bannerId vs ip in bannerhistory.



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