Filling multiple input fields from php function

I am trying to create a page that calculates a country specific price. I have two price levels and want to update prices in two separate input fields when a country is selected. I could do this by repeating the JQuery function and business_plan_calculation twice, but wanted to know if there is a way to do this with a single function?

Here is the code I am using to do two functions

function country_selector() {

    global $wpdb;

    $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT country FROM master_country ORDER BY country ASC");

    foreach ($results as $rows) :
        $option .= '<option value="'.$rows->country.'">';
        $option .= $rows->country;
        $option .= '</option>';


<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery( document ).ready( function() {

        jQuery( '#country_selector' ).change( function() {
            var countryPOP = jQuery( '#country_selector' ).val();

        jQuery.ajax( {
            url: "<?php bloginfo( 'wpurl' ); ?>/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
            type: 'POST',
            data: 'action=business_plan_calculation&countryID=' + countryPOP,

            success: function( results ) {
                jQuery( '#business_plus_price' ).empty();
                jQuery( '#business_plus_price' ).val( results );

            jQuery.ajax( {
            url: "<?php bloginfo( 'wpurl' ); ?>/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
            type: 'POST',
            data: 'action=enterprise_calculation&countryID=' + countryPOP,

            success: function( results ) {
                jQuery( '#enterprise_price' ).empty();
                jQuery( '#enterprise_price' ).val( results );
        </script> <?php

    return '<select id="country_selector"><option value="0" disabled selected>Select Your Country</option>'.$option.'</select>';


add_shortcode('country-selector', 'country_selector');

function business_plan_calculation() {

    if(isset($_POST['countryID'])) :


        global $wpdb;
        $results = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT currency_alpha, ppp_conversion FROM master_country WHERE country='$parentCat'" );

        $endpoint = 'convert';
        $access_key = '3a8c6c408b87705bde661d3d17b938ed';

        $user_currency = $results->currency_alpha;

        $chGBPUSD = curl_init(''.$endpoint.'?access_key='.$access_key.'&from=GBP&to=USD&amount=1');
        $chUSERGBP = curl_init(''.$endpoint.'?access_key='.$access_key.'&from='.$user_currency.'&to=GBP&amount=1');

        curl_setopt($chGBPUSD, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($chUSERGBP, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

        $mh = curl_multi_init();
        curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $chGBPUSD);
        curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $chUSERGBP);

        $active = null;
        do {
            curl_multi_exec($mh, $active);
        } while ($active);

        $GBPUSD = curl_multi_getcontent($chGBPUSD);
        $USERGBP = curl_multi_getcontent($chUSERGBP);


        $conversionResultGBPUSD = json_decode($GBPUSD, true);
        $conversionResultUSERGBP = json_decode($USERGBP, true);

        $GBPUSDresults = $conversionResultGBPUSD['result'];
        $USERGBPresults = $conversionResultUSERGBP['result'];

        $ppp = $results->ppp_conversion;

        $business_plus = ( 65 * $GBPUSDresults * $ppp * $USERGBPresults );
        echo 'Β£'.number_format((float)$business_plus, 2, '.', '').' per year';



add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_business_plan_calculation', business_plan_calculation);
add_action('wp_ajax_business_plan_calculation', business_plan_calculation);

function enterprise_calculation() {

    if(isset($_POST['countryID'])) :


        global $wpdb;
        $results = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT currency_alpha, ppp_conversion FROM master_country WHERE country='$parentCat'" );

        $endpoint = 'convert';
        $access_key = '3a8c6c408b87705bde661d3d17b938ed';

        $user_currency = $results->currency_alpha;

        $chGBPUSD = curl_init(''.$endpoint.'?access_key='.$access_key.'&from=GBP&to=USD&amount=1');
        $chUSERGBP = curl_init(''.$endpoint.'?access_key='.$access_key.'&from='.$user_currency.'&to=GBP&amount=1');

        curl_setopt($chGBPUSD, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($chUSERGBP, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

        $mh = curl_multi_init();
        curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $chGBPUSD);
        curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $chUSERGBP);

        $active = null;
        do {
            curl_multi_exec($mh, $active);
        } while ($active);

        $GBPUSD = curl_multi_getcontent($chGBPUSD);
        $USERGBP = curl_multi_getcontent($chUSERGBP);


        $conversionResultGBPUSD = json_decode($GBPUSD, true);
        $conversionResultUSERGBP = json_decode($USERGBP, true);

        $GBPUSDresults = $conversionResultGBPUSD['result'];
        $USERGBPresults = $conversionResultUSERGBP['result'];

        $ppp = $results->ppp_conversion;

        $enterprise = ( 120 * $GBPUSDresults * $ppp * $USERGBPresults );
        echo 'Β£'.number_format((float)$enterprise, 2, '.', '').' per year';



add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_enterprise_calculation', enterprise_calculation);
add_action('wp_ajax_enterprise_calculation', enterprise_calculation);



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1 answer

It's actually pretty simple.

Modify the PHP AJAX function to return BOTH values ​​and return a JSON encoded array.

Then, in your JavaScript AJAX-enabled callback, get the two pieces of data and put them in two separate inputs.

The changes are listed below to explain what's going on:

function country_selector() {

    global $wpdb;

    $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT country FROM master_country ORDER BY country ASC");

    foreach ($results as $rows) {
        $option .= '<option value="'.$rows->country.'">';
        $option .= $rows->country;
        $option .= '</option>';
    } ?>
    // no-conflict safe shorthand document ready
    jQuery( function($) {
        // now $ is safe to use inside this function
        $( '#country_selector' ).change( function() {
            var countryPOP = $( '#country_selector' ).val();

        $.ajax( {
            // use the WP function admin_url() here...
            url: '<?php echo admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php') ?>',
            type: 'POST',
            // tell jQuery we expect JSON back so it auto-parses to JSON
            dataType: 'json',
            data: 'action=country_calculations&countryID=' + countryPOP,
            success: function( results ) {
                // NOTE: Should do something here if results is NOT what is expected
                // clear BOTH inputs
                $( '#business_plus_price, #enterprice_price' ).empty();
                // access the business_plus results, put into input
                $( '#business_plus_price' ).val( results.business_plus );
                // access the enterprise results, put into input
                $( '#enterprise_price' ).val( results.enterprise );
    return '<select id="country_selector"><option value="0" disabled selected>Select Your Country</option>'.$option.'</select>';


// new AJAX function that gets and returns BOTH price calculations
function ajax_country_price_calculations() {
   $data = country_price_calculations();
   // NOTE: should do something here in case $data is empty / FALSE

   // this function json_encodes, outputs, and dies
   wp_send_json( $data );

// SIMPLIFIED your two functions into a single function.
// This reduces duplicate code, AND reduces CURL calls.
function country_price_calculations() {

    if( isset( $_POST['countryID'] ) ) {
        $parentCat = $_POST['countryID'];

        global $wpdb;
        $results = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT currency_alpha, ppp_conversion FROM master_country WHERE country='$parentCat'" );

        $endpoint = 'convert';
        $access_key = '3a8c6c408b87705bde661d3d17b938ed';

        $user_currency = $results->currency_alpha;

        $chGBPUSD = curl_init(''.$endpoint.'?access_key='.$access_key.'&from=GBP&to=USD&amount=1');
        $chUSERGBP = curl_init(''.$endpoint.'?access_key='.$access_key.'&from='.$user_currency.'&to=GBP&amount=1');

        curl_setopt($chGBPUSD, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($chUSERGBP, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

        $mh = curl_multi_init();
        curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $chGBPUSD);
        curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $chUSERGBP);

        $active = null;
        do {
            curl_multi_exec($mh, $active);
        } while ($active);

        $GBPUSD = curl_multi_getcontent($chGBPUSD);
        $USERGBP = curl_multi_getcontent($chUSERGBP);


        $conversionResultGBPUSD = json_decode($GBPUSD, true);
        $conversionResultUSERGBP = json_decode($USERGBP, true);

        $GBPUSDresults = $conversionResultGBPUSD['result'];
        $USERGBPresults = $conversionResultUSERGBP['result'];

        $ppp = $results->ppp_conversion;

        $business_plus = ( 65 * $GBPUSDresults * $ppp * $USERGBPresults );
        $enterprise = ( 120 * $GBPUSDresults * $ppp * $USERGBPresults );
        // RETURN the results instead of echo now...
        // assign calculations to an associative array
        return array(
            'business_plus' => 'Β£'.number_format((float)$business_plus, 2, '.', '').' per year',
            'enterprise'    => 'Β£'.number_format((float)$enterprise, 2, '.', '').' per year'
    // NOTE: Should return SOMETHING (such as FALSE) if this fails...

// Now you only need one AJAX endpoint
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_country_price_calculations', 'ajax_country_price_calculations' );
add_action('wp_ajax_country_price_calculations', 'ajax_country_price_calculations' );


Note : Having worked through the code in the question, there are many typos and other issues. The question is not about fixing / improving these issues, so I stuck with showing you a sample of how to do what you want. If this does not work for you, then you need to troubleshoot existing problems in your code.



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