Laravel links and web.php routes messed up

I am making a forum with themes and themes. If a user clicks on a topic, he / she gets all the topics of that topic. This is where we face the first problem. As theme.blade.php

I have a headline <span class="card-title">{{ $theme->theme_title }} - Topics</span>

. This heading should show the name of the topic the user has clicked on. But it does show (just a wild guess) some random topic title from a database that is not even related to that topic.

Now I have done an additional view for the user. If the user clicks on a topic from the selected topic. He / she should redirect to the topic he clicked on, but instead shows (again) some random topics from the database that are not related to the topic / topic at all. Instead of the topic the user clicked on. In this GIF you can see the problem. If you look at the profile picture and username. Maybe the problem is in Web.php

or somewhere else, I don't know. Sorry for the long story, but I couldn't figure out how to put this better. I think I have switched some things in the code.

Here is every code file that this issue might appear in.


Route::get('/', 'ThemesController@index')->name('home');
Route::get('/theme/{theme_id}/topics', 'ThemesController@show')->name('showtheme');

Route::get('/theme/{theme_id}/topics/{topic_id}', 'TopicsController@show')->name('showtopic');

Route::group(['middleware' => 'App\Http\Middleware\AdminMiddleware'], function() {


Route::get('/theme/{theme_id}/edit', 'ThemesController@edit')->name('edittheme');
Route::patch('/theme/{theme_id}/edit', 'ThemesController@update')->name('updatetheme');

Route::get('/theme/create', 'ThemesController@create')->name('createtheme');
Route::post('/theme/create', 'ThemesController@save')->name('savetheme');

Route::delete('/theme/{theme_id}/delete', 'ThemesController@destroy')->name('deletetheme');


Route::get('/theme/{theme_id}/topics/{topic_id}/edit', 'TopicsController@edit')->name('edittopic');
Route::patch('/theme/{theme_id}/topics/{topic_id}/edit', 'TopicsController@update')->name('updatetopic');

Route::get('/theme/{theme_id}/topics/create', 'TopicsController@create')->name('createtopic');
Route::post('/theme/{theme_id}/topics/create', 'TopicsController@save')->name('savetopic');

Route::delete('/theme/{theme_id}/topics/{topic_id}/delete', 'TopicsController@destroy')->name('deletetopic');


Route::get('user/profile', 'UserController@profile')->name('showprofile');
Route::post('user/profile', 'UserController@update_avatar');


Theme.blade.php (List of each theme in the theme)

<div class="col s12">
            <div class="card">
                <div class="card-content"><span class="card-title">{{ $theme->theme_title }} - Topics</span>
                    <div class="collection">
                        @foreach($topics as $topic)
                            <a href="{{ route('showtopic', ['theme_id' => $theme->id, 'topic_id' => $topic->id ]) }}" class="collection-item avatar collection-link"><img src="/uploads/avatars/{{ $topic->user->avatar }}" alt="" class="circle">
                                <div class="row">
                                    <div class="col s6">
                                        <div class="row last-row">
                                            <div class="col s12"><span class="card-title">{{ $topic->topic_title }}</span>
                                                <p>{!! str_limit($topic->topic_text, $limit = 125, $end = '...') !!}</p>
                                        <div class="row last-row">
                                            <div class="col s12 post-timestamp">Posted by: {{ $topic->user->username }} op: {{  $topic->created_at }}</div>
                                    <div class="col s2">
                                        <h6 class="title center-align">Replies</h6>
                                        <p class="center replies">{{ $topic->replies->count() }}</p>
                                    <div class="col s2">
                                        <h6 class="title center-align">Status</h6>
                                        <div class="status-wrapper center-align"><span class="status-badge status-open">open</span></div>
                                    <div class="col s2">
                                        <h6 class="title center-align">Last reply</h6>
                                        <p class="center-align"></p>
                                        <p class="center-align">Tijd</p>


ThemesController.php (show method only)

public function show($id)
    $theme = Topic::find($id)->theme;
    $topics = Theme::find($id)->topics;

    return view('themes.theme')->with('topics', $topics)->with('theme', $theme);


TopicsController.php (show method only)

public function show($id)
    $theme = Theme::find($id);
    $topic = Topic::find($id);

    return view('topics.topic')->with('theme', $theme)->with('topic', $topic);



Thanks for looking at my code. This problem has been sitting here for a long time, and I want to move on. Thank you for your help!


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1 answer

Your controller code just finds a theme with an ID $id

and a theme (singular) with an ID $id

. This particular topic may not appear at all in that particular topic. They probably have nothing to do with each other.

To find topics related to a topic with an ID $id

, you must do this:

$theme = Theme::find($id)->with('topics');


(this assumes your model relationships are set up correctly, you are not showing them to us). See docs eagerly download .

To access the themes in your view, follow these steps:

@foreach ($theme->topics as $topic)
    {{ $topic->user->username }}


When developing, you can simply

return $theme;


in your controller to see the data structure so you can decide how to process and iterate over it.



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