How can I create a .txt file in CMD?
Does anyone know how to create a .txt file on CMD ? .I need the order or steps to create it; I see that I need to write {echo "text"> "name" .txt}, but I mean the content is out of order and sometimes it doesn't respond correctly.
Thanks guys, Well, I know I wasnโt so frank about what I wanted to do and Iโm sorry, but your advice helps me a lot too, so thank you u.
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1 answer
Try to create a variable with text first like this:
set /p txt=Your Text Content;
echo %txt% > "Location\textfile.txt"
EDIT: If you mean the newline is not showing, then you need to do the following:
echo "FirstLine" > "Location\textfile.txt"
echo. "SecondLine" > "Location\textfile.txt"
echo. instead of echo, a new line will start.
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