How to rename a file in a directory using the current directory

I want to rename a file (home / Desktop / ali / a / b.txt)

I wrote a bash file


mv a/b.txt a/c.txt


and put it in ali directory, I go to ali directory in terminal, but when I run bash file it cannot find /b.txt file

I know this mv home/Desktop/ali/a/b.txt home/Desktop/ali/a/c.txt

will work fine, but is there a way to use the current directory to shorten the addressing?


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3 answers

If you want a mv

local file, just leave an empty line:

mv a/ a/


You can use anyway pwd

to do this, but keep in mind that you need to run your script in the same directory!

mv `pwd`/a/ `pwd`/a/




You don't need to provide a location if you are in that directory.

For example, you have a file A

on your desktop, so you navigate there and do:

mv A B

The file has A

been renamed to B

in this directory

But if you want to do it from somewhere else, you do

mv directory/A directory/newfilename



if you run the script from Ali directory then your mv statement looks like

mv `pwd`/a/ `pwd`/a/



mv ./a/ ./a/




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