Symfony: make CSRF token available to all templates on a branch

My app has AJAX requests here and there and I want to protect them with CSRF tokens. However, instead of generating and passing a CSRF token to a Twig renderer for use in JavaScript, I would like the CSRF token to be readily available on every html page that Twig renders.

I saw that Laravel seems to put it in a meta tag, so I can grab it easily with JavaScript. But how do you do this in Symfony? How can I insert this token into every page?

Or is this not good practice?


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2 answers

Of course this is good practice!

You have a built-in function csrf_token('key')

in symfony / twig to do this.


<a href="{{ path('product_remove', {id:, csrf: csrf_token('product') }) }}" 
   class="btn btn-info">Remove</a>


From the controller, you just have to check it:

 * @Route("/product/remove/{csrf}/{id}", name="product_remove")
public function removeProductAction($csrf, $id)
    if ($csrf !== $this->get('security.csrf.token_manager')->getToken('product')->getValue()) {
        throw new InvalidCsrfTokenException('Invalid CSRF token');

    // delete $id

    // cleans up url
    return $this->redirectToRoute('product_list');


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Answer: insert it as a global twig variable and then use Javascript to bind to all requests.


    ## ...
        csrfTokenManager:  '@security.csrf.token_manager'



        beforeSend: function(xhr) {
            xhr.setRequestHeader('x-csrf-token', '{{ csrfTokenManager.getToken('ajaxAuth') }}');


Receiving controller

public function receiveAction (Request $request)
    $tokenManager = $this->get('security.csrf.token_manager');
    $tokenId = 'ajaxAuth';
    $token = new CsrfToken($tokenId, $request->headers->get('x-csrf-token'));

    if (!$tokenManager->isTokenValid($token)) {
        throw new HttpException(403, 'Go away h4x0r');




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