Does Firebase really use the iOS bundle ID for anything?

I just tried to create a new App ID for my paid Apple Developer account, at The Bundle ID I was trying to use was already taken by my previous free Apple Developer account, so I had to use a different Bundle ID that I made.

In my Xcode project, I updated my new Bundle ID wherever I could find, project settings, Info.plist and GoogleService-Info.plist for Google SDK Authentication and Authorization. My app is using Firebase, my app is still working perfectly correctly, I can log in with an existing account stored in the Firebase database and create new accounts that are correctly created in Firebase.

Then I logged into Firebase which I have been using with my app for a while, I created this Firebase project when I was using my free Apple Developer account. this Firebase project has my iOS app listed with the old Bundle ID: enter image description here

Can't change this in Firebase Bundle Id, I need to create a new Firebase app in Firebase project as I read here .

As a reminder, I changed the Bundle ID in the application source code, which I could find to change it. I used Xcode to clean and build, I uninstalled the app from my test device and reinstalled it and everything still works against the Firebase firewall.

My question is: Does Firebase actually use the iOS bundle ID for anything other than the name for the app in the Firebase project?


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