How do I load and export variables from a .env file to a Makefile?

What is the best way to use it .env

in a Makefile i.e. loading this file and exporting all variables for subshells in make


It would be great if the proposed solution only works with make

eg. without using third-party tools. In addition, files .env

support multi-line variables like:


This is why this solution is probably not adequate.


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1 answer

Make does not offer any way to read the contents of a file by any variable. Therefore, I consider it impossible to achieve a result without using external tools. However, if I am wrong, I would be happy to learn a new trick.

So let's say there are two files that .env

are technically valid shell files:


BAR="notfoo" # comment
# comment




echo FOO=${FOO}
echo BAR=${BAR}
echo -e ${MULTILINE}


One solution is to include the file .env

, then make sure the variables are exported:

include .env

$(eval export $(shell sed -ne 's/ *#.*$//; /./ s/=.*$$// p' .env))



Because of the different shell and make handling of quotation marks, you will see quotation marks in the output.

You can avoid this by redesigning the make variables:

include .env

VARS:=$(shell sed -ne 's/ *\#.*$$//; /./ s/=.*$$// p' .env )
$(foreach v,$(VARS),$(eval $(shell echo export $(v)="$($(v))")))



but then the multi-line variable becomes a one-line variable.

Finally, you can create a temporary file to be processed by bash and reference it before running any command:


all: .env-export
    . .env-export && ./

.env-export: .env
    sed -ne '/^export / {p;d}; /.*=/ s/^/export / p' .env > .env-export


Oh, newlines in this case are tangled up in a multi-line variable. You must specify them additionally.

Finally, you can add export

to .env using command sed

and follow these steps:

%: .env-export
    . .env-export && make -f secondary "$@"




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