More control over XlFind

I am using a script to let users find the serial number in a column of an excel sheet. However, the problem is search flexibility.

Serial numbers can appear in the following examples: "12345678", "1 345678", "12 345678", as you can see, there are different numbers of spaces after the numbers that cause problems. Also, the first two (or sometimes single) digits indicate the year of the serial number and may or may not be separated by a space.

Is there a way to accommodate these options without having to do multiple searches or adjust the data?

Private Function ExcelFind(r As Excel.Range, s As String)
    Dim currentFind As Excel.Range = Nothing
    currentFind = r.Find(s, ,
Excel.XlFindLookIn.xlValues, Excel.XlLookAt.xlPart,
Excel.XlSearchOrder.xlByRows, Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlNext, False)

    If currentFind IsNot Nothing Then
        Debug.Print("foundrow " & currentFind.Row)
        Debug.Print("foundcol " & currentFind.Column)
        Return (currentFind)
        Debug.Print("not found (EF1)")
        Return Nothing
    End If
End Function



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3 answers

Okay, the array-to-validate approach - it will be much faster than checking per cell as in Maddy Nickam's answer. I shot against A1: AN10000 and it took about 3 seconds. Still not optimal, but more workable than checking the whole cell of the range by cell.

Sub test(r As Excel.Range, s As String)
Dim arr() As Variant
Dim cl as long
Dim rw as long

arr = r.value

cl = 1
Do While cl <= r.Columns.Count
    rw = 1
    Do While rw <= r.Rows.Count
        arr(rw, cl) = Replace(arr(rw, cl), " ", "")
        If arr(rw, cl) = s Then
            Debug.Print r.Cells(rw, cl).Address
        End If
        rw = rw + 1
    cl = cl + 1
End Sub


Edit: I am assuming there r

will be a continuous range with this approach. If this is not the case, you will run into problems with addresses. For example, calling this with Set rng = Union(Range("A1:A3"), Range("B5:B7"))

and passing rng

in r

, only the addresses found Debug.Print

would be A1: A3, whereas Debug.Print(rng.Address)

$ A $ 1 would tell you: $ A $ 3, $ B $ 5: $ B $ 7



try it

    For Each cell In Rng
    Str = cell.Value
    Str = Replace(Str, " ", "")
        If s = Str Then
            Debug.Print ("foundrow " & cell.Row)
            Debug.Print ("foundcol " & cell.Column)
        End If





s = Replace(s, " ", "")


before looking for it. This removes any spaces from the s variable



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