Get all characters not matching a Reg expression pattern in Javascript

I have below requirements where the entered text should match any of the below char lists and get all characters not matching the reg exp pattern.

  • 0-9
  • AZ, a-d

And special characters like:

  1. ...
  2. space, @ -_ & () '/ * = :;
  3. carriage return
  4. end of line

A regex I could build like below

/[^a-zA-Z0-9\ \.@\,\r\n*=:;\-_\&()\'\/]/g


In this example, let's say input='123.@&-_()/*=:/\';#$%^"~!?[]av'

. Invalid characters are '#$%^"~!?[]'


Below is the approach I used to get the characters not matching.

1) Construct the negation of the allowed pattern regnn as shown below.

/^([a-zA-Z0-9\ \.@\,\r\n*=:;\-_\&()\'\/])/g

(please fix if this is reg exp correct?)

2) Use replace function to get all characters

var nomatch = '';        
for (var index = 0; index < input.length; index++) {
    nomatch += input[index].replace(/^([a-zA-Z0-9\ \.@\,\r\n*=:;\-_\&()\'\/])/g, '');

so nomatch='#$%^"~!?[]' // finally


But here the replace function always returns one unmatched character. so use a loop to get everything. If the input signal is 100 characters, then it loops 100 times and is unnecessary.

Is there a better approach so that all characters don't match the reg exp pattern in the following lines.

  • Better regex for getting invalid characters (than the reg exp negation I used above)?
  • Avoid unnecessary loops?
  • One line approach?

Thanks a lot for any help on this.


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1 answer

You can simplify it with a reverse regex and replace all valid characters with an empty string so that only invalid characters are left in the output .:

var re = /[\w .@,\r\n*=:;&()'\/-]+/g
var input = '123.@&-_()/*=:/\';#$%^"~!?[]av'

var input = input.replace(re, '')

//=> "#$%^"~!?[]"

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Also note that many special characters do not need to be escaped within a character class.



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