Kotlin: Cast ArrayList <String!> To Array <String>

I am trying to split a string entered by the user. My code looks something like this:

val aList = Array(5, {Array<String>(2){ " " }})
aList[0] = ArrayList(input.nextLine().split(" "))  // `split` returns a List


But this leads to the following error: error: type inference failed. Expected type mismatch: inferred type is ArrayList<String!> but Array<String> was expected


After some digging, I discovered what the operator T!

means T or T?

. How can I cast ArrayList<String!>

up Array<String>



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1 answer


and Array<T>

are completely different types , so technically speaking, you can't just cast.

You can convert List<T>

to Array<T>

with .toTypedArray()


aList[0] = input.nextLine().split(" ").toTypedArray()




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