Angular 2 ion handling events 2 on keypress

I have a bunch of ionic 2-cards that I want to flip over with a key press (any key, it doesn't matter). The code looks like

<ion-content padding>
    <ion-card (click)="setTime(7)" *ngIf="status == 'morning'" (keypress)="eventHandler($event)" style="width:80%">
        <img src=""/>


ts code

        alert('hey vikj');


When any key is pressed, my event handler is not fired.


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2 answers

It is set up correctly, but the focus must be on the ion map before it starts listening. Click on the card and then press a key and it should work. If you want focus on the entire page, check this question: Angular 2 | listening for a keypress event on the whole page



this function can be used in input field





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