AEM 6.2 (Drag component here) Parsys height 0px

I am using AEM 6.2 and trying to create a parsys component in crx using below code   

enter image description here

However, the height of these parses in edit mode is 0px.

Attached screenshots.

enter image description here

When I manually change the height to some values ​​eg. 40px, it looks good. enter image description here

Note. I am not using any client library for the above page. (no css and js)

Futher, all sample sites like geomatrix etc are rendered correctly.

Can anyone guide me on what I am doing wrong?


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3 answers

I think the problem is outside the component or any of the code given here.

I think what is happening is that the css style for the div that sets the size of the geptropet stub is not loading.

Loaded as part of the AEM client libraries that you must inherit from the foundation page component.

Examine the page sling property: resourceSuperType property. It must point to wcm / foundation / components / page or wcm / foundation / components / page, or inherit from the component that does.

If this is set, you can block one of the scripts inside it, perhaps head.html.



Include the following code in the script component's render component chapter.

<!--/* Include Adobe Dynamic Tag Management libraries for the header 
<sly data-sly-include="/libs/cq/cloudserviceconfigs/components/servicelibs/servicelibs.jsp" data-sly-unwrap/>
  <!--/* Initializes the Experience Manager authoring UI */-->
<sly data-sly-include="/libs/wcm/core/components/init/init.jsp" data-sly-unwrap/>

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I think @ l-klement correctly pointed out that the problem is outside the component. When I rename the destinationpage.html file to body.html it starts working fine. I think it might be due to different files like head.html etc. present in wcm/foundation/components/page

, which are needed to ensure the correct styling and load certain required client libraries that style the parses correctly.

If this is correct, my next question would be: How can I get my own head.html, body.html, header.html, footer.html, etc. files. without compromising on the parsys style?



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