Clear Telegram channel for changes

Can anyone point me to a way to programmatically check for changes in the Telegram room? I cannot decrypt the API. I want to do something like:

telegram.onMessageReceived('room_id', (msg) => {


I usually use Python, but open to using NodeJS because I want it to always work, tracking changes on the Ubuntu server.

As far as I can find on the internet, everything points to the bot API, but as I understand it, it will only be notified of updates to messages to the bot. I want to control public rooms where I cannot add a bot as an administrator since I have not created a room. Or is there a way to add a bot to public rooms? I do not think so.

Also, the room that I want to control does not allow anyone to communicate. It just notifies subscribers.

I've read these SOs so far and am still confused:

Can Telegram bonus read channel messages

How do I join my bot on a channel?

How to join my Telegram bonus to PUBLIC channel


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1 answer

in node.js

the telegram library you can check the latest and compare with the last date you saved. if changed, a new message appears



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