How do I select the first n rows of each group in the specified columns (after concatenation)?

I want to combine functions .SD

with by =

in a non-equi join:

data.table - select the first n rows within a group

.EACHI to data.table

Sample data:

tmp_dt1<- data.table(grp = c(1,2), time = c(0.2, 0.6, 0.4, 0.8, 0.25, 0.65))
tmp_dt2 <- data.table(grp = c(1,2), time_from = c(0.1, 0.5))
tmp_dt2 <- tmp_dt2[, time_to := time_from + 0.2]

> tmp_dt1
   grp time
1:   1 0.20
2:   2 0.60
3:   1 0.40
4:   2 0.80
5:   1 0.25
6:   2 0.65
> tmp_dt2
   grp time_from time_to
1:   1       0.1     0.3
2:   2       0.5     0.7


Now my desired output is the first time in each group that falls between the ranges defined in tmp_dt2

. I can get all moments like this:

> tmp_dt1[tmp_dt2, .(grp, time = x.time, time_from, time_to), on = .(grp, time >= time_from, time <= time_to)]
   grp time time_from time_to
1:   1 0.20       0.1     0.3
2:   1 0.25       0.1     0.3
3:   2 0.60       0.5     0.7
4:   2 0.65       0.5     0.7


However, I am having some trouble extracting the first n lines from each grp

with an by

unbound one. As an example, when n = 1

, the desired result is:

tmp_dt1[tmp_dt2, .(grp, time = x.time, time_from, time_to), 
        on = .(grp, time >= time_from, time <= time_to)][, .SD[1], by = grp]

       grp time time_from time_to
1:   1  0.2       0.1     0.3
2:   2  0.6       0.5     0.7


but something like:

> tmp_dt1[tmp_dt2, .(time = x.time[1], time_from[1], time_to[1]), on = .(grp, time >= time_from, time <= time_to), by = grp]
Error in `[.data.table`(tmp_dt1, tmp_dt2, .(time = x.time[1], time_from[1],  : 
  object 'time_from' not found


does not work.

Usage is .SD

getting closer, but gives me a confusing end to the result in terms of the selected columns:

tmp_dt1[tmp_dt2, .SD[1], on = .(grp, time >= time_from, time <= time_to), by = grp]
   grp time
1:   1  0.2
2:   2  0.6


The reason I don't want to do this in a chain is due to memory issues . Note that I'm only interested in this package issue data.table



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3 answers

You tried

tmp_dt1[tmp_dt2, on=.(grp, time>=time_from, time<=time_to), 
    x.time, by=.EACHI] # or head(x.time, 2L) to get first 2 rows etc.



You will need to rename the duplicate columns yourself until this takes care of itself as described here .



One parameter - specify mult= first

tmp_dt1[tmp_dt2, .(grp, time = x.time, time_from, time_to), mult = "first", 
             on = .(grp, time >= time_from, time <= time_to)]
#    grp time time_from time_to
#1:   1  0.2       0.1     0.3
#2:   2  0.6       0.5     0.7




If you want to minimize memory usage , another solution might be more memory efficient than the original chaining approach, although it looks strange to store the temporary result in a variable (but it only contains two columns and only the first n rows per group) and by - still use chaining (but on a smaller subset of the original data):

n = 1       # parameter: first "n" rows per group
selected.rows <- tmp_dt1[tmp_dt2, .(rownum = .I[1:n]), on = .(grp, time >= time_from, time <= time_to), by = grp]
tmp_dt1[selected.rows$rownum][tmp_dt2, .(grp, time = x.time, time_from, time_to), on = .(grp, time >= time_from, time <= time_to)]


Not very elegant and possibly slower (it duplicates the join logic and needs to be joined in half - albeit on a reduced subset in the second case) ...

The temporary result set contains the row number of each "match" in the original data table (using a character .I




   grp rownum
1:   1      1
2:   2      2


It would be great to compare this solution to chaining using a real big data table ... (if I have more time I will check it out)



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