Copy redis database (.rdb file) from remote server to local

I was provided with a Redis server configured remotely. I can access data and I can perform CRUD operation on this server. But I want a replica of one database to be in my local.

I have a Redis desktop manager in my local. And also the redis-server setting works.

What I have tried:

  • using the SAVE command .

    I connected to the remote server and ran the save command. This ran successfully and created a file dump.rdb

    on this server. But I can’t access this file as I don’t have FTP server permission.

  • using BGSAVE

    the same scenario here also

  • using the redis-cli command

    redis-cli -h server ip -p 6379 save > \\local ip\dump.rdb

    Here I got the error The network name cannot be found.

Can anyone suggest me how can I copy a file .rdb

from server to local?


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