How to get SonarQube metrics from previous build versions via api?

How do I get the api of SonarQube (e.g. code coverage, technical debt, complexity, nloc, ...) of a specific assembly version (e.g.

My goal is to get this information and display it along with some information related to this version from other sources like bitbucket.

I can only see measurements of the current (latest) assembly version (e.g. using the api/measure/component

api link .

Although, I can see these measures for individual assemblies through the UI with the compare option. But how to get it through rest api?

SonarQube Version 5.5


  • Sonar-scoverage-plugin-5.1.3.jar
  • Sonar-scm- git-plugin-1.2.jar
  • Sonar-scalastyle-plugin-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • Sonar-javascript-plugin-2.11.jar

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1 answer

First of all, SonarQube 5.5 is old, you must first use the latest LTS (5.6) to be able to get feedback.

Project versions can be found using:

  • api / events / index (it is replaced with api / project_analyses / search in 6.3) -> it will give you the date of the analysis that the version is on.

And in order to take action from the past, you can use:

  • api / timemachine / index (it is replaced by api / measure / search_history in 6.3) -> you should be able to find measures from the version you need.


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