At least select one checkbox in validation form using angularjs
Here is my html
<form name="sales">
<div class="sale-type">
<p>Which would you like to sell?</p>
<fieldset class="md-form form-group">
<input ng-model="art.originalForSale" name="originalForSale" type="checkbox" class="filled-in" id="checkbox2">
<label for="checkbox2">My Original ART</label>
<fieldset class="md-form form-group">
<input ng-model="art.printForSale" name="printForSale" type="checkbox" class="filled-in" id="checkbox22">
<label for="checkbox22">Prints of my ART</label>
<button type="submit" ng-disabled="sales.$invalid" class="btn-form btn-next c-sprite" alt="Submit"></button>
I want to display a validation message that shows at least one checkbox, how can I do this
found a solution for this question How to require at least 1 checkbox for AngularJS form validation?
but it uses a script, I want a solution without using scirpt
I am currently using
<span ng-show="part1.originalForSale.$error.required" class="error">Checkbox required</span>
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4 answers
I think the solution to your problem is:
<script src=""></script>
<ng-form name="sales" ng-app >
<div class="sale-type">
<p>Which would you like to sell?</p>
<fieldset class="md-form form-group">
<input ng-model="art.originalForSale" value="cb1" name="originalForSale" type="checkbox" class="filled-in" id="checkbox2" ng-required="!art.printForSale">
<label for="checkbox2">My Original ART</label>
<fieldset class="md-form form-group">
<input ng-model="art.printForSale" value="cb2" name="printForSale" type="checkbox" class="filled-in" id="checkbox22" ng-required="!art.originalForSale">
<label for="checkbox22">Prints of my ART</label>
<span ng-show="sales.$invalid" class="error">Checkbox required</span>
<button type="submit" ng-disabled="sales.$invalid" class="btn-form btn-next c-sprite" alt="Submit"></button>
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You can use ngRequired
. There is a simple example.
<input name="checkbox1" type="checkbox" ng-model="isChecked1" ng-required="isChecked2">
<input name="checkbox2" type="checkbox" ng-model="isChecked2" ng-required="isChecked1">
You can use ngMessages for a validation message
<div ng-messages="myForm.checkbox1.$error || myForm.checkbox2.$error" style="color:maroon" role="alert">
<div ng-message="required">You did not select a checkbox !</div>
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