What is the difference between Informix `% iY` and`% Y`

I found in some code that I claim was using this format to request an update

UPDATE X=to_date('$var','%iY-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%F3') ...


But I can't find anywhere in the Informix documentation what it's for i

. Doing this next query will result in the same values.

SELECT TO_CHAR(CURRENT, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%F3')  as wo_I, 
       TO_CHAR(CURRENT, '%iY-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%F3') as with_I FROM X; 

wo_i                    | with_i
2017-06-20 16:49:44.712 | 2017-06-20 16:49:44.712


So what am I missing?

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1 answer

It's hard to find, but one place for the information you need (assuming you're using Informix 11.70 and not 12.10, although it probably hasn't changed much):

Specifically, it says:

  • %iy

    - is replaced by the year as a two-digit number (00 - 99) for reading and printing. This is an IBM Informix-specific formatting directive for %y

  • %iy

    - is replaced by the year as a four-digit number (0000 - 9999) for reading and printing. This is an IBM Informix-specific formatting directive for %y

  • ...
  • %y

    - Requires a two-digit year (00 to 99) to be read and printed. In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”
  • %y

    - the year is required to be a four-digit number (0000 to 9999) for reading and printing. In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

There is clearly not much of a difference between them - I'm not even sure I understand what the difference is. I think it might be the difference between accepting but not requiring leading zeros on numbers in 1, 2, or 3 digits of the year. But for the most part, it seems like you can treat them like an equivalent.



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