How can I optimize deployment in regions with the lowest perceived latency and maximum cost savings?

I will be using Azure Cosmos DB with Azure Functions deployed in the same regions, with a gateway (cloudflare or Azure option) that will route to an azure function in the nearest region that is deployed along Cosmos DB database replication.

Should the perceived latency benefit be logarithmic? 4os5aMH.png for example, having 2 regions is 3 times better, 3 is 5 times better than perceived latency. and etc.

according to MS, the Cosmos database is available in all regions. waa9erL.gif considering that our clients are not grouped around a specific region and are located all over the world. which are the optimal regions for deployment? HzUFzJ7.png

for replication in

  • 1 area
  • 2 regions
  • 3 areas
  • 4 regions

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1 answer

You can use to see the closest DC from the client and choose the best location.



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