Expanding to a restricted vocabulary conforming to the protocol

I am trying to create a protocol that allows any objects to be created using JSON NSData.

I am trying to create an extension for a dictionary [String: String] that conforms to this protocol. Unfortunately, for some reason the following code doesn't work:

public protocol InitializableWithData {
    init(data: NSData?) throws 

extension Dictionary: InitializableWithData where Key: String, Value: String {
    public init(data: NSData?) {
        // Parse NSData into a [String: String]


I am getting the following error:

Extension of type 'Dictionary' with constraints cannot have an inheritance clause


I've also tried:

extension Dictionary: InitializableWithData where Key: NSString, Value: NSString {
    public init(data: NSData?) {
        // Parse NSData into a [String: String]


Considering String is a struct but still it doesn't work.


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