(React-Native) undefined is not a constructor evaluating "new FormData ()"

I have been struggling with this issue for the last 2 days and cannot figure it out. I don't understand this error. this is my code:

var formData = new FormData();
} catch (error) {
console.error('FormData ERROR', error);


and this is the error:

017-06-21 13: 49: 02.761 [error] [tid: com.facebook.React.JavaScript] 'FormData ERROR', {[TypeError: undefined is not a constructor (evaluating "new FormData ()")] line: 98419 , column: 36, sourceURL: ' http: // localhost: 8081 / index.ios.bundle? platform = ios & dev = true & minify = false '}

Do I need to add FormData support to ReactNative 0.45.0? please, help


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3 answers

I think I got it.

First of all, I found something (don't know where I got these "tips" from) in my index.ios.js and removed them

// const _XHR = GLOBAL.originalXMLHttpRequest ?  
//     GLOBAL.originalXMLHttpRequest :           
//     GLOBAL.XMLHttpRequest                     

// XMLHttpRequest = _XHR;

// // FormData = global.originalFormData;


Then I found out that my debugger (Chrome or RNDebugger) messed up my network requests and that was bad for a multi-threaded image object. (Strange ?!)

Finally, I started working with this code:

var fdObject = new FormData();
fdObject.append('avatar', {uri: PicturePath, name: 'avatar.jpg', type: 'image/jpg'});
options.method = POST;
options.headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data';
options.body = fdObject;
fetch("http://api.com/post-my-image", options);




I got into this problem too, and because I imported them from above. If you did what I did:

import { FormData } from 'react';



import { FormData } from 'react-native';


Just remove "FormData" from your import and it will work like magic. FormData does not need to be imported for it to work.



The error says you are FormData undefined. Since it is not part of react native, you probably have to download it from npm .

npm install --save form-data


Then import it at the beginning of the file

import FormData from 'form-data';




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