How to run the same promises one after another NodeJs

I am trying to solve the following problem. Consider the following case. I need to check if an array of servers is alive. Or, to be more specific, I need to find the first working server from the list provided, I need to do this one by one.

For example, if the first server is down, check the other and the other ...

Since NodeJS is asynchronous, I cannot do this in a for loop. So I tried to implement something similar to recursion, it looks ugly and doesn't work, but I tried)

 static findWorkingServer(servers, payload) {
        return NetworkUtils.getMyPublicIP()
            .then((ip) => {
                return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                    let currentIndex = -1;
                    if (servers.length > 0) {
                        let currentServer;
                        let serverCheckCallback = function (result) {
                            if (result) {
                                resolve({working: currentServer, payload: payload});
                            else {
                                if (currentIndex < servers.length-1) {
                                    currentServer = servers[currentIndex];
                                    NetworkUtils.checkIfServerWorking(currentServer, ip)
                                else {
                                    reject(new Error("No working servers found"))
                    else {
                        resolve(new Error("No servers provided"));
static checkIfServerWorking(credentials, publicIp) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        if(credentials) {
                url: credentials.url,

                agentClass: agentClass,
                agentOptions: {
                   // Agent credentials
                .then(res => {
                     // Do some stuff with resposne
                .catch(err => {
        }else {


Please help to get the desired result, maybe it is possible to run queries synchronously.


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1 answer

Can be done with await / async:

let servers = ["","","","",""]

class ServerTest {
    static async checkServer(name) {
        if (name === "") 
            return true //returns promise that resolves with true
            return false //returns promise that resolves with false

(async()=>{ //IIFE (await can only be used in async functions)
    let targetServer
    for (i in servers) {
        if (await ServerTest.checkServer(servers[i]) === true) {
            targetServer = servers[i]
    console.log("Found a working server: " + targetServer)

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